From recycling Power House
to Green Metal Producer
Our core competency is development and implementation of technologies in the field of processing, recovery and refining of strategic industrial and precious metals.
Platinum Blac together with Elemental Holding Group defines rigorous standards in the fields of employment, health and safety, as well as fundamental rights.
We make every effort to protect the natural environment and minimize our environmental impact by reducing energy consumption, emissions, pollution, noise, and waste. We work closely with the relevant environmental protection authorities so that our actions and decisions contribute to the implementation of the objectives of local climate strategies.
At the Elemental Holding Group, we enjoy diversity and create equal opportunities for everyone.
We treat all team members with dignity and respect. You must not discriminate based on race, nationality, religion, age, disability, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, trade union membership, or political beliefs at any stage. We encourage all team members to raise any concerns and ensure that all complaints are well-recorded and addressed.
We cooperate honestly, transparently, and respectfully with business partners and local communities.
We maintain particular transparency and honesty in relations with public administration and non-governmental organizations. We provide an appropriate standard of information and personal data protection. We also require all team members to avoid conflicts of interest or unfair market practices.
Code of Ethics
& Strategies
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